January 04, 2009

= January 2009 Activation =

Happy New Year. May this year is the year for your dreams, passions, everything you believe, your wishes, your desires, your thoughts, your emotions, your feelings and your Hopes. May this year is the year for your special moments as you live everyday.
Have Fun and Be Good.This is the standard greeting i usually sent for every new year to my friends as those words when combined gives the perfect sense of a beautiful life and is a way of remembering we have so many elements to live by everyday.

The above sketch is the mass email greeting for all my close friends on 31st night..may be missed some coz of not having email address. It's beautiful right. So That was the sketch for last day in 2008. What about 2009, as everyone is going into 2009 with whole new ideas and thoughts I also thought of stepping into 2009 with whatever i am good at...i.e Drawing and Dancing. So Below are the Sketch done in Jan 1st week and One of my Dance Videos.
Yes, I dance too. Dancing is also an interest of me founded in 8th class when Drawing became the First interest. Music is the language of my Soul and I believe everybody's Soul. I like hearing to slow songs and my feet move for the fast beats. So here you go with the video below.Try Seeing in Youtube as you can get a Option to see in High Quality. Hope You Like It.


Faridah Zayla said...

Selamat pagi.. ,dont forget to visit MY BLOG

Sree said...

Yeah Good Moring..Good Day!

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