February 24, 2012

SharePoint Designer Workflow to create Pages in Pages Library

Issue#1 : The workflow could not create the list item
1. Create a page with the content type you want to create via Workflow normally
Note: Go to Pages Library --> Add your custom content type --> Documents --> New Document --> Select your content type.
2. With SharePoint Designer open the directory, highlight the file you created and choose export - then save it to somewhere on your computer
3. Go back to the List you will create the items in, and under "List Settings" click on the content type in question then choose "Advanced Settings"
4. Choose "Upload a new document template" browse to the saved file and upload it
5. Now you can create the WF in SPD - the "Path and Name" can be set normally - no need for adding relative paths, if you set it to "Something" it will create it as "Something.aspx" under the wiki library for example - content type should be of course the one we modified.

Issue#2 : The workflow could not check in the list item. Make sure the item is already checked out.


Unknown said...

When I use a Content Type ID of Wiki Page, nothing is created. When I leave Content Type blank a document is created however it is blank and apparently is not an aspx file. If the Folder Content Type is selected, a folder is selected created.

Robin said...

I'm afraid I don't understand

"1. Create a page with the content type you want to create via Workflow normally"

When you say "normally" how do you mean? The only way I know how to do this via workflow is create new item. Even If I run the workflow attached to the Pages library rather than the other list I am trying to create Pages items from, I still get the same error no matter what I put in this field for Path and Name* any ideas?

Sree said...

@ Robin -->
Go to Pages Library --> Add your custom content type --> Documents --> New Document --> Select your content type.

sm said...

After almost 3 years I'm sure there is little hope at a reply, however why not try!

I'm getting stuck on this step:
"3. Go back to the List you will create the items in, and under "List Settings" click on the content type in question then choose "Advanced Settings""

The list library has a fairly restricted list on content types that it will let me add, and even the custom content types that I've tried to create can't seem to be added to a list. Of the types that the list will recognize, none of them seem to have a document template that can be replaced.

Since a ton of sites and answers cite this as the answer for what I'm trying to accomplish, I guess the question is: what am I missing?

Anonymous said...

guess I have similar problem with creating wiki page in wiki page library using create item action of SPD 2013 workflow... my results are of two kinds... workflow stucks with URI authentication issue (how can it be with my site owner rigths?) or creation of empty file in the library (no .aspx, no content)... spent couple of hours already... no damn idea!

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