December 26, 2008

= Getting Electricity to our Home =

People always tell to use minimum electricity and switch off everything which you dont use. Now for us there are two options either to blindly follow what they say or research for knowledge why did they say like that. Interestingly when we have exact knowledge of how process works we will be able to control the usage better than just merely following what others say. Ok, There are several ways of generating the Electricity.
1. From Fossile Fuel.
2. From Nuclear Power.
3. From Water.
4. From Natural gas.
5. From Wind.
And at our level we cannot tell the countries of which method to use to save our Global environment and Presently Most of the countries electricity is generated by Fossil Fuels i.e Burning Coals etc. It's 60% world electricity is generated by Fossil Fuels and do we have a constant supply of Fossil Fuels is the question to ask for ourselves whenever we switch on any electric source. I made up my mind with the below article information and hope you too get to some conclusions and start making a difference.
= Getting Electricity to your Home =

1. Steam is generated at the electricty plant by the burning of fossil fuels - or at a nuclear or hydroelectric plant.
2. The steam powers a turbine which spins a huge magnet inside a copper wire. Heat energy converts to mechanical energy which then converts to electrical energy in the generator.
3. Elecricity flows from the power plant through wires to the step up transformer. The transformer raises the pressure so it can travel long distances - its raised as high as 756,000 volts
4. The electric current then runs through the power lines to the substation transformer where pressure is lowered to between 2000 and 13000 volts
5. Electricity is then taken through the lines to a pole transfomer - or a transformer box if underground - and pressure is lowered again to between 120 and 240 volts
6. From here electricity comes into your home through a service box, where your meter is located to measure how much you use. Wires take electricty around your home powering your lights and all your other appliances

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