November 01, 2008

= Why We Disagree =

Once upon a time there was a frog which was born and brought in a small well. For that frog that well was everything, it's world and doesn't know any world outside of that well. So oneday an another frog from Sea comes and fells into that small well. The frog in that well asked the new frog " Where are you from?" and it replied "I'm From Sea". The resident frog asked again " Sea, is it as big as my well?" The new frog replied "Oh Thats funny, you cannot compare your well with the sea at all and was laughing". The resident frog hearing this said "No, I dont believe you, there is nothing bigger than my well, you are telling lies" and it just turned him out.
I read this story with a message of how we disagree with other religions and when we diagree and dont accept or hear or give respect to what other religions say then we will be going into problems which follows strong disagree, arguments and violence. The resident frog doesn't need to go sea and experience what the new frog is telling but it can believe in that, oh there is an another world which is outside of that small well and others live there too. Just a casual understanding could have make those two frogs friends instead of diasgreement and arguments. I believe this is not only for religions but also during our day to day life activities. Disagree but with having knowledge supporting your ideas, but blindly disagreeeing because you dont like that opposite or he/she doesn't like you or any other factor can only pollute the nice environment and is not helpful to any of us. I disagree when i have facts which makes the opposite agree with me, otherwise i will just listen and quest for facts which i can or agree with him/her if i am satisfied with their views. I hope it helps somebody but certainly helps me as i written it....Mahalo!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the frog example is super mama...and i agree with what you hav said.... :)

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