December 26, 2008

= Getting Electricity to our Home =

People always tell to use minimum electricity and switch off everything which you dont use. Now for us there are two options either to blindly follow what they say or research for knowledge why did they say like that. Interestingly when we have exact knowledge of how process works we will be able to control the usage better than just merely following what others say. Ok, There are several ways of generating the Electricity.
1. From Fossile Fuel.
2. From Nuclear Power.
3. From Water.
4. From Natural gas.
5. From Wind.
And at our level we cannot tell the countries of which method to use to save our Global environment and Presently Most of the countries electricity is generated by Fossil Fuels i.e Burning Coals etc. It's 60% world electricity is generated by Fossil Fuels and do we have a constant supply of Fossil Fuels is the question to ask for ourselves whenever we switch on any electric source. I made up my mind with the below article information and hope you too get to some conclusions and start making a difference.
= Getting Electricity to your Home =

1. Steam is generated at the electricty plant by the burning of fossil fuels - or at a nuclear or hydroelectric plant.
2. The steam powers a turbine which spins a huge magnet inside a copper wire. Heat energy converts to mechanical energy which then converts to electrical energy in the generator.
3. Elecricity flows from the power plant through wires to the step up transformer. The transformer raises the pressure so it can travel long distances - its raised as high as 756,000 volts
4. The electric current then runs through the power lines to the substation transformer where pressure is lowered to between 2000 and 13000 volts
5. Electricity is then taken through the lines to a pole transfomer - or a transformer box if underground - and pressure is lowered again to between 120 and 240 volts
6. From here electricity comes into your home through a service box, where your meter is located to measure how much you use. Wires take electricty around your home powering your lights and all your other appliances

November 24, 2008

= Technical Talk=

Whenever we get any doubt the one which is always there for us to help is "google". Wonder why people write those technical articles which helps thousands of freshers, adults etc, what are they getting? , i wondered and realized that it's from google they must be got help sometime in their beginning and they could have thought that their writings can also help people who are in the same journey. At work when they are no friends to help, I definetly know google can give some solution which can help in reaching the final solution. So recently when ever i am browsing google for something i am thinking that, i am taking so much from google, it should be good if i can return something. I dont know how techincal I could be but I am definetly learning and have some knowledge which i can share. There should be a start somewhere for my dream to become a ********* where I believe having knowledge and sharing is the key and happy to start in someway...actually enough of dreaming...start walking towards it ..thats what i say.
In Software, whatever is the front-end there is no meaning without Backend.
When I say Backend, yes thats the databases I am talking about. It's the data which manipulate here and there in any business process and how we are showing is we call as an Business application. I have some knowedge in front-end and Back-end technologies, still learning and thats what my writings would be from now on.
Ok you need to have some client tools now to connect the database, see the tables, see the data, see the columns, see the datatypes etc. Client tools can be SQL Developer, TOAD, Teradata SQL Assistant, SQL Enterprise manager etc.
First You must be added as a User for the database, can be added if you are the administrator.
1. SQL Developer
a) Connection Name........Give any name
b) Username
c) Password
d) Hostname....................Database Name
e) Port...............................tnsping DatabaseName from ur cmd....thats the PORT
f) SID.................................I usually give the database name again
g) Test................................Connect
h) Tools---->SQL Worksheet
a) Database
b) Username
c) Password
d) Connect as ....Normal
e) Conncet Using ......Client 8 or 10
f) Connect
g) SQL Editor
3. Teradata SQL Assistant
a) Tools--->Define a Datasource
b) User DSN/ System DSN
c) Teradata Driver
d) Datasource Name
e) Datasource Description
f) Teradata Server Info Name or IP Address
g) Username
h) Password
i) Options---> No help Database (To See the tables, views)
j) Ok and Save
k) Tools --> Connect
l) File Datasource/ Machine Datasource.....Ok
4. SQL Server Enterprise Manager
a) New SQL Server Registration
b) Next --> Select an available Server and Add
c) Windows Authentication / SQL Server Authentication
d) Next--> Finish
e) You should be added as the user for that database and also as the Security Login.
f) Tools --> SQL Query Analyzer
Now we have the workspace for actually executing the sql commands we know. These vary depending on the requirement but What I feel is that there are only four commands in any Back-End which I say "Four Mantras".
1. Select Command
a) Select Column1, Column2....ColumnN from SCHEMA.TableName
2. Insert Command
a) Insert into SCHEMA.TableName (Column1, Column2....ColumnN) Values ( Value1, Value2...ValueN)
3. Update Command
a) Update SCHEMA.TableName Set Column1 = Value1, Column2= Value2,...,ColumnN=ValueN
Where Some_Column = Some_Value
4. Delete Command
a) Delete from SCHEMA.TableName Where Some_Column = Some_Value
That's a good start....Uh OOH, will catch up u later...Have fun and a Happy ThanksGiving Holidays!!!!!

November 15, 2008

= Our Country Today, Problems & Challenges =

My friends will remember this Textbook who have studied in the same school. At that time it was for marks, pass/fail, parents, next grade that I studied that. But if we see, the real purpose of education is enlightning, getting to know the information which we can live our lives responsibly and also educating others with the info what we have. Most of us forgets the content in subjects like Social, Sanskrit and the stories in Language subjects after we graduate and live in a world where having this knowledge makes so much difference of how we live and how we feel about ourseleves. These are very simple and important things if once registered in mind, can change the perspective of how we see the surroundings. So, Lets Go Through and walk with me.
I feel we all know what are the problems and challenges any country would face or facing because country means people and people are the ones experiencing that, you cannot avoid that. Atleast you will know what are the problems without knowing how the problem arised. My strategy for any problem is from backwards, see the big picture first and try to back fill because there would be only one solution doesn't matter how we reach there.
Ok, According to the Chapter wise in the Text Book.
1. Achieving Our National Goals:
In order to take country on path of progress we need to set before us the national goals and these goals would also join in our personal goals list, remember the word Citizen.
a) Democratic Form of Government [Solutions]
1. If you think you can serve the country better than the existing one, contest in the elections.
2. Discrimination should be discrminated in all means.
3. If you feel you can help the country with your thoughts, make a way.
4. Ultimately educate people first of what are the problems and solutions and if people like ur thoughts you are the One, Thats real nice democracy instead of crappy two and fro arguments.
b) Secular State
1. Educate all different religious good points so that we can respect each other religions so that we cannot indulge in any communal riots.
c) Economic Equality
1. Dont eat money or natural resources more than a threshold, if someone is getting more remember someone is getting less. Practice living with a reasonable amount of life style than increasing the numbers in assets and banking. Do Social Work people if you have more.
d) National Integration
1. United we raise, divided we know that right?
e) International Peace and Understanding
1. Spending the resouces in wars means diverting the resources of people to military weapons etc. Again respect each other, understand each other, we are all neighbors my friends.
The Post is getting bigger. I will list all the good points i felt in the book now.
1. Democracy and the citizen are inter related and inter dependent. Voting is the first step of change.
2. Education is the life and soul of Democracy, So educate yourself and educate others in all different spheres of activities.
3. No work, no education, no information, no knowledge would lead to lazyness, alcohol, drugs, sex etc. Start with some good activity first towards information.
4. Plan the economic development and change the policies for economic reconstuction.
5. Poverty is only because of people only take money and dont give. Mentality should change and that should start from childhood and through education. How about a Policy such that we cannot have more money than a particular threshold. I know what you are talking about, you work and you deserve more..right. No, Fundamentally work for work sake and not work for money sake.
6. Unemployment is again dependent on Poverty. Lets fix that one first. Simple solution is that you have so much money you start an organization which can employ thousands than just keeping that money for your offspirin, their offspring etc.
7. The price rises can only help in spreading the poverty, refine laws taking action against corruption, hoarders, smugglers, black marketeers.
8. Agriculture Development is back bone of any country. Whatever we do, we do for food finally.
So, spend time and resouces on agriculture development.
9. Industrial development is the front face of any country. I always feel that whydo we need to compete with other countries. Make your people reasonably happy, dont make a habit of lavarious life styles and we can dependent on reasonable industrial development instead of competing with other countries which dont end and increase pollution, wasting the resources.
Know what you want and have a life style, dont just live vaguely accepting with whatever you get. Resist the ones which you dont need.
10. National Integration, lets have festivals or get togethers with different religions and countries, what else we want from our neighbors other than a warm friendship which we can enjoi that moment.
11. Defence of the country is important too, Someone should be there for us all the time watching our borders. Lets take it as that we feel secure like that instead taking in the way we are ready for wars. We just stop the first step of war with the military and sit and talk.
12. World Problems, the first step of solving any problem is knowing or having knowledge to understand of the problem. So, Go and get that knowledge......Educate, Educate and Educate yourself and your surroundings....All great things are simple in this universe if you understand.
That ends my duty of getting the knowledge and sharing the knowledge, the rest is how we live this knowledge keeping in mind.

November 11, 2008

= What to Do In An Economic Crisis =

I came across this article and found interesting to learn some things, Thanks to John M. Grohol, Psy.D for the article and below is the direct content.

First, don’t panic.
The cause of many people’s angst and misery during an economic crisis is surely money-related, but we also multiply it by worrying unnecessarily. Worry won’t change the situation, nor bring back any money you may have lost. In fact, worry can make matters worse, increasing your stress level and causing anxiety (which in turn causes irrational thinking and can lead to poor decision-making). So the last thing you want to do is panic.

Second, look at the big, long-term picture.
Yes, I know that’s easier said than done, but most people’s losses are in their 401(k) retirement funds. These are long-term funds meant to weather the occasional stock market storm. So even if you’ve lost a quarter or half of your retirement savings in the past month, rest assured that more than likely, most of that will come back in time. The worst thing you can likely do is to panic, and then worry that you need to re-invest everything in your portfolio. Doing so now means taking big, big losses for questionable potential gains in other markets or sectors.
This is hard to do, especially if you’ve taken more of a bath in the stock market directly. But if you buy high and sell low, you’re chasing your losses and not counting on the inevitable market improvement someday.

Third, remember the stock market is as much about human emotion as it is about financial data.
The stock market is as much about psychology as it is about finances and company fundamentals. Ask any broker worth his or her salt and they’ll tell you as much. When the market has a “down” day, it’s not as much about bad financial news that day as a whole bunch of people (because it’s always people who start the ball rolling in the market) who get spooked.
The psychology of the market has been well-documented in many books. It acts not unlike a crowd (or herd) mentality, that when people see enough others moving in a certain direction, they follow suit for fear of missing out or being left behind. At the point that the movement begins, all logic and reason go out the window. The market largely becomes at that point a simple study of crowd behavior.

Fourth, now’s a good time to stock up.
Believe it or not, this is one of the few times in history that is as much an opportunity as it is anything else. When stocks hit historic lows, that means that you can purchase a share of a company at a discount price. Since most big companies are usually fundamentally sound, this means you can grab a piece of them at a price that hasn’t been available in some cases for more than a decade.
Of course, don’t invest money if you don’t have it to lose, but don’t be scared by the market just because it’s going down. Nobody knows when it’ll hit “bottom,” so you can safely wait until it enjoys a few days or even weeks of gains. Even if you wait that long, you’d still be buying at some pretty discounted prices for many stocks.
Fifth, stay focused on the things that really matter in life.
It’s easy to start obsessing about things in our life that we have little to no control over. But it’s also quite fruitless. While we may feel the overwhelming need to engage in fruitless activities, it will reduce your stress and feelings of anxiety to find a way to redirect your focus to things in your life that really matter (and that you have some actual control over).
Spend some more time with your family and friends. Renew an old interest or hobby, or reconnect with an old friend or colleague. These things cost nothing and will bring you more reward than obsessing about current economic conditions.
I’m no financial expert nor adviser, so take what I say here with a grain of salt. But try and keep your perspective during these tumultuous times and remember, these things always come in cycles. While we’re in the middle of a down cycle right now, it will eventually turn around and head back up.

November 01, 2008

= Why We Disagree =

Once upon a time there was a frog which was born and brought in a small well. For that frog that well was everything, it's world and doesn't know any world outside of that well. So oneday an another frog from Sea comes and fells into that small well. The frog in that well asked the new frog " Where are you from?" and it replied "I'm From Sea". The resident frog asked again " Sea, is it as big as my well?" The new frog replied "Oh Thats funny, you cannot compare your well with the sea at all and was laughing". The resident frog hearing this said "No, I dont believe you, there is nothing bigger than my well, you are telling lies" and it just turned him out.
I read this story with a message of how we disagree with other religions and when we diagree and dont accept or hear or give respect to what other religions say then we will be going into problems which follows strong disagree, arguments and violence. The resident frog doesn't need to go sea and experience what the new frog is telling but it can believe in that, oh there is an another world which is outside of that small well and others live there too. Just a casual understanding could have make those two frogs friends instead of diasgreement and arguments. I believe this is not only for religions but also during our day to day life activities. Disagree but with having knowledge supporting your ideas, but blindly disagreeeing because you dont like that opposite or he/she doesn't like you or any other factor can only pollute the nice environment and is not helpful to any of us. I disagree when i have facts which makes the opposite agree with me, otherwise i will just listen and quest for facts which i can or agree with him/her if i am satisfied with their views. I hope it helps somebody but certainly helps me as i written it....Mahalo!!!

October 27, 2008

= Beginning =

Imagine 300,000,000,000 Stars, a Sun and the Solar System which we call as Our Galaxy.
And Now Imagine 100,000,000,000 Galaxies. Yes, This is not fiction, it's the fact.
How we feel? Wow right? For me too. This is always a mystery to man and actually one of the best spices life can taste. I still remember the kinetic energy formula we use in physics 1/2(kx)(kx). The moment i calculated the amount of days to go to moon, i can never forget, i didnot slept that night thinking of Sky and Space, Ofcourse jumped here and there that i actually understood something in physics. So, I started blogging and hence when i thought of which topic to start, why cant i go to the beginning of the universe?
1. Billions of Years Back, Universe like a fabric with infinetesimal volume, extremely high density and high temperature. Ummm
2. That fabric of space started expanding due to the extreme properties it hold.
3. Matter simple rode on stretching space like dust on expanding balloon.
4. Hot dense, expanding environment produces the helium and other nuclei due to nuclear fusion.
5. Nuclear Synthesis takes place due to Lowering temperatures and density.
6. So Until now Universe has began, Galaxies has been formed, and our Mother Earth started it's journey, everything due to density, temperature and expansion.
7. In Earth, a natural chemical reaction that repeated itself as a cycle. Some stayed around to mantain and develop that cycle. Carbon Monoxide combines into this cycle. At some stage the cycle acquired a cover of protective chemicals and separates from the general milieu. When the cover eventually enveloped the cycle and broke free of the mineral surface, the first cell is born.
8. Life began. 9. A Human cell is a chemical factory. Manufactuing process proceed within a wall, the cell membrane that has special ports for incoming and outgoing chemicals. DNA, the controller of the process is like a computer and it's hard disk RNA is locked in the nucleus. Thats our Origin.
10. Wow, from begin of the universe to the human cell,exciting. Since we have a begining we can now discuss any issue under this universe. Do we have more than one universe, think of that and forget before you get lost in this and enjoi in ur own world...The MIND.

October 26, 2008

= Drawing =

I guess Drawing is my first extra curricular activity which i have developed during the school days. Thanks to Bhargavi Teacher[my Drawing Teacher in 8th class]. She is so connected to drawing and understood that passion only when i involved or drawed some. It's a unique feeling after when we drawed a picture which gives so pleasure and increase our energy levels. We do somethings without any requirement of that to be the best or that to be appreciated by all, we do somethings for ourselves and Drawing is one thing which i do for myself and my pleasure. Friends or Family will be however get a nice timepass seeing and discussing our drawings, so good activities can only spread good and thats why here are my drawings.

= Why Blogs? =

The Power of One is the power to do Something, Anything!!! I like this saying very much as the line itself gives power when said. Blogs is also a way of giving power to each individuals of we being the news maker, publisher and also reader of our interested topics. When i heard about the word blog, i just didn't have any clue of it as i am not a computer freak and have no idea of atleast how a website works. Thanks to my profession, i am now connected to application development and when i see through the architect perspective the idea of blogging is a one great and unique idea. The words make a whole lot sense when written and also when read at times when we needed most to learn about that. So, Blogs can be used in many ways but at this point of time i would like to use in a way which can be beneficial to me and my friends who read this. What's the idea behind, it's simple....We learn a lot of things with our interest or with time or experience teaching us or more straightly Knowledge is wealth. So, I tell what i know or what i think or my perspective of over a issue and you do the same and just simply spread the knowledge/wealth around with whatever we are and wherever we are....Thats Blogging to me.

SonarQube with Jenkins Setup using Docker Images