Azure Mobile App Service provides services that allow you to support mobile apps across multiple platforms. It does not provide hosting services for apps for the various app stores.
Using Windows disk configuration tool, you can remap the D: drive to another letter and use D: for a storage location.
CDN is designed to deliver static files quickly by placing them geographically closer to the user.
Using Windows disk configuration tool, you can remap the D: drive to another letter and use D: for a storage location.
CDN is designed to deliver static files quickly by placing them geographically closer to the user.
VHD files are stored as page blobs, because page blobs are optimized for random access reads and writes.
Elastic pools allow you to group several SQL Databases together in a single pool, and all of the resources reserved for them are shared. This is good for when the demand on a database is unpredictable and varies. By pooling resources, if the demand for a few databases spikes, they will be able to fulfill that demand easily enough. This would not work if the demand for all databases in the pool all spiked together. For instance, if a single application used 3 databases to perform it's task, you can expect the demand of all three databases to spike together.
Redis will store data up to it's memory limit, and then begin evicting data based on a defined algorithm.
Azure Active Directory is a optimized for web-identity management instead of local network management. As such, it does not have support for managing computers and devices, or using non web security protocols such as Kerberos. It supports users and groups, and web-friendly security protocols such as SAML.
Azure B2C supports all four authentication providers listed (Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Amazon)
The only solution to needing more than 1000 VMs in a scale set is to create multiple scale sets.
You can either set up a webhook to create a ticket in your ticketing system if that functionality exists, or have the alert send an email to your ticketing system. Some ticketing systems have the ability to create tickets from an email address. Application Insights cannot help with monitoring CPU performance, since it works at the application level.
By default, the health probe needs to fail 2 consecutive times. This is checked every 15 seconds by default as well. Both values are changeable when you are setting up the load balancer.
Every service fabric application package must contain an ApplicationManifest.xml file.
CORS: The asterisk in AllowedOrigins allows calls from any domain. The askterisk in the AllowedMethods allows all HTTP VERBS to be used. This is a normal setting for public resources that you expect to be incorporated into many different websites. This allows any web server to use the resource as long as it has the right permissions, such as having a Shared Access Signature.
The Azure Search SLA is available on the basic and standard tiers, but not on the free tier.
Azure Automation DSC can be used for Linux virtual machines on premises, in Azure or in a cloud other than Azure as long as the latest version of the Powershell DSC Local Configuration for Linux is installed, and the machine has an outbound connection to the Internet.
Azure WebJobs can be in the languages that Azure supports, including Windows EXE and CMD, PowerShell, PHP, Python, JavaScript, Java, and Bash Shell.
Web App: .NET and PHP are enabled by default. You must enable other languages.
Serverless architectures are a form of Software-as-a-service where the developer can in fact upload their own code (as long as it conforms to what Microsoft allows), but large amounts of the system operate outside the control of the developer. Often they are event triggered and only live for the time it takes for the program to execute and return to the user.
but all of the Azure services (from API management, to push mobile notifications, to scaling, and use of storage services) is available to use from all three types of App Services Applications. API Apps, Mobile Apps, and Web Apps are all web apps. Only the name and icon are different.
A static public IP address is required if you need to create an A record, since you will not want the IP to change suddenly without warning.
Logic apps support nesting. You can call other logic apps as actions, and so you can create one parent logic app, and have that call child logic apps as required to do certain tasks.
NoSQL databases such as DocumentDB accept data in JSON format, which does not constrain the data to a particular schema. DocumentDB can accept any small JSON data set that you pass it.
"$filter=tags/all(t: t ne 'motel')" returns all documents that are not tagged as 'motel'.
Azure Service Bus Topics are a one-to-many communication model.
Hybrid Connection Manager is the name of the relay agent that you install inside your corporate network in order to allow selected external App Services access to endpoints inside your network using hybrid connections.
You can put any virtual machine (Windows, Linux) you wish into an availability set. As best practice, you should put virtual machines that serve the same function into the same availability set, so that front-end and back-end servers are in different availability set. But there's nothing stopping you from putting Windows and Linux servers in the same availability set if you wish.
Only entities with the same partition key can be part of the same transaction.
Storage Keys: It's very important to follow the proper key regeneration plan to ensure little disruption to your users. You must regenerate the #2 key and switch the applications to use that key. And then regenerate the first key. Both keys must be regenerated in a logical fashion.
Azure AD: Using the CSV mass import function would be the quickest way to grant access to a large number of external people if you have a list of their names and email addresses.
The .NET class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.File allows you to access an Azure File Service through .NET code.
Using a sharding technique will allow you to distribute your files across multiple storage accounts in Azure. Now there is a limit to the maximum number of storage accounts in a subscription, so you'd have to create more Azure subscriptions if you need more than 200 storage accounts, but sharding the files across 20 or 50 storage accounts will multiple the operations per second by quite a bit.
There is a default security rule on all NSGs that deny all traffic on all ports for all protocols. You would have to create higher-priority rules to override that, and you cannot delete the default rules.
You can add boot diagnostics to an existing virtual machine, by going into the diagnostics tab in settings. From there, you need to turn the status of diagnostics on, assign a storage account, and enable boot diagnotics.
Graph API always uses Next is the tenant, and we can use "myorganization" to represent our company's directory. "me" is for the signed-in user and not for the organization level. Next we request a list of groups. And we always have to provide the api-version as a paramter.
The Geo-Restore option should be able to get a database back online in a different region as long as a recent backup is available.
In order to inspect HTTPS traffic, you will need to install an SSL certificate on the Application Gateway, and it is that certificate that the client uses to encrypt and decrypt traffic back and forth between the client and Azure. If you wish to connect the Application Gateway to the Backend pool server using HTTPS, you can configure the Application Gateway to re-encrypt the traffic before passing it along.
An App Service Environment is a dedicated hosting space for your web apps. This allows higher scale, a dedicated network connection, and keeps your apps isolated from other applications from other users.
You are trying to remotely debug your web application that is running in an Azure Virtual Machine. You have installed the virtual machine extensions for debugging, and Visual Studio is able to connect, but the problem is that you are unable to see the source code of the application as it runs. You find it really hard to debug the application without source code displaying in Visual Studio. What is the most likely cause of the lack of being able to see source code?
Most likely it is missing symbol files. You should ensure the application is compiled in Debug configuration, and publish the app to the virtual machine to include those files.
PowerShell: The location is the region that the resource is created in.
A shared access signature (SAS) provides you with a way to grant limited access to objects in your storage account to other clients, without exposing your account key. The Shared Access Signature allows any person or application with the URL to access the resource. A stored access policy can be modified or revoked, which invalidates the shared access signatures associated with it without having to invalidate your account access keys which can have other bad effects. You can revoke a shared access signature by regenerating the keys on the account as well.
Both queues and topics have a first in-first out model. A message in a queue is removed once a single application receives and processes it. A message in a topic is delivered to all subscribers.
JWT is a token that contains encrypted JSON data. It consists of a header, a payload and a signature, and is used for securely transmitting JSON data.
Azure Storage Queue is a way for applications to sends messages (small bits of data) between them in a disconnected fashion. It enables asynchronous communication, such that the receiving application does not have to be in a state ready to receive messages at a time when the message is ready to be written.
A block blob can contain 50,000 blocks of 100MB per block, or 4.75 TB
Update-AzureRmVM allows you to specific a new size for an existing VM if that size is valid for the region in which the VM is running.