October 28, 2011

Failed to create receiver object from assembly


The problem was because the timer service cached the previous dlls. You have to restart timer service on all servers in the farm before starting any new deployment.

Sometimes: Just close the VS and re-open the project again if deploying thru VS.

October 16, 2011

Access web.config in SharePoint timer job

SharePoint web application or site will run with the help of process 'W3WP.EXE'.
SharePoint timer job is running in different process named 'OWSTIMER.EXE'.
So, the application configuration file is associated with the W3WP.EXE, so there is no way to access the web.config file in the owstimer.exe process at all. The context is completely different and out of domain. So, we need to call or access the web.config file explicitly in timer job.

So add below code in Execute() method to access ConnectionString in Timer JOB.

SPWebApplication webApplication = this.Parent as SPWebApplication;
Configuration config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/", webApplication.Name);
_ConnString = config.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionName"].ConnectionString.ToString();

Restart Timer Service in SharePoint

SharePoint 2010: net stop SPTimerV4 / net start SPTimerV4

SharePoint 2007: net stop SPTimerV3 / net start SPTimerV3
SharePoint 2003: net stop SPTimer / net start SPTimer
Note: When you publish/update a custom timer job, it usually doesn't reflect right away until we restart the timer service.

SonarQube with Jenkins Setup using Docker Images

https://funnelgarden.com/sonarqube-jenkins-docker/  https://medium.com/@hakdogan/an-end-to-end-tutorial-to-continuous-integration-and-con...