May 24, 2011

TFS Server Upgrade - SharePoint Server Upgrade

Hardware and Software Requirements


Backing up the Environment
Upgrade and Migration for SharePoint Server 2010

Migrate MOSS 2007 to SharePoint Server 2010.

Migrating a SharePoint 2007 Blog to 2010 (Part 1)

TFS 2008 Configuration of URL's TFSAdminUtil.exe

Upgrade Team Foundation Server 2008 to TFS 2010 (and SharePoint Server 2010)

How to integrate TFS 2008 with SharePoint 2010

Team Foundation Installation Guide for Visual Studio 2010 (this also includes upgrade)

Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010)

Hyper-V (this has all the required info about the Hyper-V).

User Interface: Hyper-V Manager

May 18, 2011

User Profile Proerties Timer Job

Name DisplayName
---- -----------
UserProfile_GUID Id
ADGuid Active Directory Id
AccountName Account name
FirstName First name
LastName Last name
PreferredName Name
WorkPhone Work phone
Office Office
Department Department
Title Title
Manager Manager
AboutMe About me
PersonalSpace Personal site
PictureURL Picture
UserName User name
QuickLinks Quick links
WebSite Web site
PublicSiteRedirect Public site redirect
SPS-Dotted-line Dotted-line Manager
SPS-Peers Peers
SPS-Responsibility Responsibilities
SPS-Skills Skills
SPS-PastProjects Past projects
SPS-Interests Interests
SPS-School Schools
SPS-SipAddress SIP Address
SPS-Birthday Birthday
SPS-MySiteUpgrade My Site Upgrade
SPS-DontSuggestList Don't Suggest List
SPS-ProxyAddresses Proxy addresses
SPS-HireDate Hire date
SPS-LastColleagueAdded Last Colleague Added
SPS-OWAUrl Outlook Web Access URL
SPS-ResourceSID Resource Forest SID
SPS-ResourceAccountName Resource Forest Account Name
SPS-MasterAccountName Master Account Name
Assistant Assistant
WorkEmail Work e-mail
CellPhone Mobile phone
Fax Fax
HomePhone Home phone                               

May 04, 2011

Module SharePoint

When uploading files to SharePoint using Elements file with Module Logic,
We have to CLose that file in designer if we want to replace taht file.
If oepend that in designer, module doesnt provision that suring installation.

SonarQube with Jenkins Setup using Docker Images