January 11, 2009
= Aloha & Mahalo Daily =
1. Practice random acts of connection.
Really. It works. Wave to a firefighter. Smile at a cop. Salute a soldier. Hang with a kid. Have a friendly conversation with the cashier. Leave an outrageously generous tip. Drop into a shelter. Volunteer at a literacy program. Show up at a community fund-raising event. Serve others. When you give, you feel more connected to other people.And if you're not naturally motivated to reach out to others, think selfishly: any altruistic gesture—from buying someone a coffee to letting another driver in front of you—puts you on the fast track to feeling good.
2. Make at least one just-for-fun phone call a day.Water your field of dreams—your energy field! Call a friend who is consistently fun to talk to. Just for the heaven of it! … not for business or to have any other need met. Simply ring someone up for a sociable hello without any agenda or expectation.
3. Look upon life as a Mystery School.Welcome serendipity. Invite surprise. Cultivate spontaneity. Notice synchronicity. Know that the whole of your life—events, situations and people—has been secretly structured by your soul in order to bring you the experiences you want to have this lifetime. Approach life as if the whole of creation is conspiring to bring you goodness …because it is! Realize that unpleasant people and situations are deliberately placed in your path as a challenge to help you grow big enough to embrace even them.
4. Have an exciting destination.Seek wonder. Go toward joy, ease and adventure—not simply away from boredom, pain, struggle and fear. Don't dwell on the old. Focus on your destination—move towards a fun future.
5. Rejoice each step of the way.To keep from being overwhelmed—yet still make headway—break your larger goals down into more manageable steps. It's easy to become discouraged if each step looms large and requires a major expenditure of time. Take at least one action a day—no matter how minor. Then you can make some progress only if you have a few minutes. It may be something as little as gathering or setting out the materials for the next stage.As you take small steps, check them off as achieved. Give yourself a pat on the back for your progress. Always focus on the advancement you've made as being just as important as the distance you have yet to go.
6. Strive for success—not for perfection.Give up perfectionism! Perfectionism goes hand in hand with fear of success and failure. We feel in order to succeed we must be perfect. As perfectionists, we insure that we will never be satisfied with who we are. Giving up perfectionism means seeing the good in our lives rather than the faults, focusing on what is working rather than what is not working. Celebrate success in one aspect of your life each day. Look for the positive. Ask, "What did I do that was on the mark? Which parts of my day went well? What am I happy about?" This approach and attitude helps take the sting out of the aspects of your life that seem lacking.
7. Take a daily mini-vacation.Take 15 minutes each day to do . . . nothing! Nothing of any significance whatsoever. We need time each day to not race against the clock or be productive. As we slow down, our spirit is free to be restored and creative. Go on a walk. Listen to music. Sit on the couch. Dance, run, jog, skip or stretch. Write, paint or sketch. Pet an animal or plant. Listen to the wind. Take yourself on a date. Do something that is alive and energizing for you. The point is to relax. No multi-tasking. Don't live in your daily planner.And take a break from technology for a while. Turn off your phone, fax and pager. Our modern conveniences have made us more accessible and vulnerable to other's agendas and demands.
8. Just say "No."Consider everything you habitually say "Yes" to each day. Community involvement. Errands for family. Favors for friends. Daily calls. Regular visits. Take time to consult with your spirit. Ask, "Is this activity at this time, in this way, really serving me? Is this the wisest use of my time and energy for all concerned in the long run? Is this activity giving me more energy than it is ultimately taking?
If the answer to these questions is "No," then your answer to the activity should be "No."In saying "No" to the people and events that aren't intuitively right for you, you are actually saying "Yes" to yourself—and to the people and values that mean the most to you. If you allow yourself to be tied up with disharmonious, non-aligned situations, you can't be available to share your true gifts with your family, friends and the world at large.
9. Give yourself a place lift.Do you long for more expanse, efficiency, easy flow and elbow room in your life? By intuitively re-arranging the elements of your daily life, you can create the space to nurture the fun, freedom, opportunities and effectiveness you desire. By clearing out the old, dead elements of your life, you create a natural vacuum and an unblocked channel for fresh, new energy and ideas to come into your private and professional life.
10. Share your life experience.Keep in mind that not everyone knows what you know. Your personal experiences can be valuable to others. You might be surprised by what some people don't know about life! I always am. We thrive when we feel we are valued and have left the world a better place at the end of each day. Leave a grand legacy. Happiness comes from sharing happiness. There are few joys that are as complete as bringing joy to another human being. Joy defies the laws of economics in that it's not something that we have less of when we give it away. Joy is something that grows greater for the giver as it is given. The more you give, the more you have.
January 04, 2009
= Distractions =
One more eye opening Topic needy for most of us.
Source: http://freelancefolder.com/improve-your-professional-productivity-get-rid-of-distractions/
Do you often feel that you are doing everything under the sun but the actual work? You know, the activity that gets you money? Distractions can be a big problem when you work on your own: although you have deadlines and commitments there is nobody breathing down your neck to see what you are actually doing.
You never realize when you stop your work and start playing an online game, chatting with someone you know, reading “interesting” stuff on various blogs and leaving prodigal comments, conversing over the phone, discussing politics with your spouse, or doing any of those hundred things that help you spend your time but don’t give you any real return.
I know a client who until a couple of years ago was running his online business from his basement (now he has an office); most of the time when his wife thought that he was promoting his work or processing client-queries he was playing online games. And he knew he shouldn’t be doing that because he repeatedly used to confess to me whenever we interacted while doing work.
The problem with such distractions is that you don’t even realize that you are wasting your precious time until you notice how much work is still left at the end of the day. Consequently you end up doing your professional work at the time when you could be spending some quality time with your loved ones. In fact this is the biggest casualty of not sticking to your professional work: you are working even during the non-working hours, totally messing up your personal as well as family life.
Here are a few steps you can take to make sure that you minimize the distractions when you are supposed to be working on your projects.
If possible, cut yourself from the online world
Do you really need to be online while working? If your project work simply involves using your desktop application, your imagination and your skill you should completely go offline. This means closing all instant messaging applications, e-mail applications, browsers, and all those interactive tools that keep on fetching things from the Internet and presenting them to you.
Stop attending to the phone
Do you get lots of business queries over your phone? If not, then don’t attend to the phone while you’re working; let someone else in the house pick it up or if you are alone then switch on the answering machine. If you do get lots of business calls then keep a separate phone number for your business so that you only take those calls. Let your friends and relatives know when they can call you; after all they couldn’t have kept calling you had you been going to an office.
You freelance and work under nobody doesn’t mean you are available for social chats all day.
Communicate to your family that you should not be disturbed when you are working
Of course your wife or husband wants you to hold the baby just when you are going to write the most crucial line you have ever written, otherwise it is going to be catastrophic.
If you set some rules then they will grow out of this habit of running to you just because you are there in the next room (OK, I know it is easier said than done). Similarly, don’t let your work space become a playground for your children; you should maintain some sanctity and draw a line that cannot be crossed. This will save you not only your creative moments but also your hardware and software and other paraphernalia present on your working table.
Work in a separate room if possible
Last year I moved to the sitting room to keep an eye on the baby while my wife worked on her computer; this was because the computer could not be moved around and I had a laptop. But soon it became a free for all situation; everybody in the house needed my attention or my counsel for everything.
There were times when I could only achieve three to four hours of professional work during the whole day. And of course the baby always wanted to be on top of my table and bang on my laptop keys. Eventually I had to take a stand and move to a separate — fortunately a spare — room.
Eliminate noises that distract you
Are there lots of noises coming from outside? Are you in the habit of playing music all the time while you’re working? All these things significantly affect your productivity. Make your room as silent as possible, especially when you are a professional writer or a blogger.
Avoid that habit of perpetually testing new software or tools
Unless you write software reviews or your present software really sucks, avoid that overwhelming desire to download some new tool or plugins recommended by that blogger; they can be a big waste of time and you can even end up losing crucial data.
For instance I was recently obsessed with installing Ubuntu (a Linux version); I downloaded it and burned the ISO image on a CD. The installation involved partitioning my current hard disk and taking complete backup, or jeopardize my existing data and other installations. This could mean an involvement of a day or even more.
Besides I was not sure whether the current software and tools I’m using for my professional work will work in Ubuntu or not. On the other hand my current Windows installation is working fine and frankly I don’t need to switch to another operating system and spend days first learning it and then configuring it to my needs. So whenever there is an inclination to try out new software or upgrade the existing one just ask yourself if you really need to do that.
Don’t read too much on the Internet
If you are reading in order to research for your project then it is another thing, but otherwise don’t spend too much time reading all those blogs and websites (make sure you keep reading this one though :) ).
I agree that reading helps you grow and improve your skills but read only when you have no professional work pending.
Get rid of the extra software and files
Do you have lots of extra software and files on your computer or laptop? Extra software and files not only slow down your system they also clutter your navigation and make maintenance and backup needlessly tedious. So dedicate some time to cleaning up your computer, it will be a worthwhile activity.
Keep the necessary stuff handy
Are you constantly searching for a pen, pencil, important papers, and other stuff that you regularly need to work? You end up spending lots of time just trying to find these things; in your drawers, in your room, or in your house.
If you develop the habit of organizing your things and keeping them at their designated spots you will notice how much time you eventually save and how much time you can save.
Source: http://freelancefolder.com/improve-your-professional-productivity-get-rid-of-distractions/
Do you often feel that you are doing everything under the sun but the actual work? You know, the activity that gets you money? Distractions can be a big problem when you work on your own: although you have deadlines and commitments there is nobody breathing down your neck to see what you are actually doing.
You never realize when you stop your work and start playing an online game, chatting with someone you know, reading “interesting” stuff on various blogs and leaving prodigal comments, conversing over the phone, discussing politics with your spouse, or doing any of those hundred things that help you spend your time but don’t give you any real return.
I know a client who until a couple of years ago was running his online business from his basement (now he has an office); most of the time when his wife thought that he was promoting his work or processing client-queries he was playing online games. And he knew he shouldn’t be doing that because he repeatedly used to confess to me whenever we interacted while doing work.
The problem with such distractions is that you don’t even realize that you are wasting your precious time until you notice how much work is still left at the end of the day. Consequently you end up doing your professional work at the time when you could be spending some quality time with your loved ones. In fact this is the biggest casualty of not sticking to your professional work: you are working even during the non-working hours, totally messing up your personal as well as family life.
Here are a few steps you can take to make sure that you minimize the distractions when you are supposed to be working on your projects.
If possible, cut yourself from the online world
Do you really need to be online while working? If your project work simply involves using your desktop application, your imagination and your skill you should completely go offline. This means closing all instant messaging applications, e-mail applications, browsers, and all those interactive tools that keep on fetching things from the Internet and presenting them to you.
Stop attending to the phone
Do you get lots of business queries over your phone? If not, then don’t attend to the phone while you’re working; let someone else in the house pick it up or if you are alone then switch on the answering machine. If you do get lots of business calls then keep a separate phone number for your business so that you only take those calls. Let your friends and relatives know when they can call you; after all they couldn’t have kept calling you had you been going to an office.
You freelance and work under nobody doesn’t mean you are available for social chats all day.
Communicate to your family that you should not be disturbed when you are working
Of course your wife or husband wants you to hold the baby just when you are going to write the most crucial line you have ever written, otherwise it is going to be catastrophic.
If you set some rules then they will grow out of this habit of running to you just because you are there in the next room (OK, I know it is easier said than done). Similarly, don’t let your work space become a playground for your children; you should maintain some sanctity and draw a line that cannot be crossed. This will save you not only your creative moments but also your hardware and software and other paraphernalia present on your working table.
Work in a separate room if possible
Last year I moved to the sitting room to keep an eye on the baby while my wife worked on her computer; this was because the computer could not be moved around and I had a laptop. But soon it became a free for all situation; everybody in the house needed my attention or my counsel for everything.
There were times when I could only achieve three to four hours of professional work during the whole day. And of course the baby always wanted to be on top of my table and bang on my laptop keys. Eventually I had to take a stand and move to a separate — fortunately a spare — room.
Eliminate noises that distract you
Are there lots of noises coming from outside? Are you in the habit of playing music all the time while you’re working? All these things significantly affect your productivity. Make your room as silent as possible, especially when you are a professional writer or a blogger.
Avoid that habit of perpetually testing new software or tools
Unless you write software reviews or your present software really sucks, avoid that overwhelming desire to download some new tool or plugins recommended by that blogger; they can be a big waste of time and you can even end up losing crucial data.
For instance I was recently obsessed with installing Ubuntu (a Linux version); I downloaded it and burned the ISO image on a CD. The installation involved partitioning my current hard disk and taking complete backup, or jeopardize my existing data and other installations. This could mean an involvement of a day or even more.
Besides I was not sure whether the current software and tools I’m using for my professional work will work in Ubuntu or not. On the other hand my current Windows installation is working fine and frankly I don’t need to switch to another operating system and spend days first learning it and then configuring it to my needs. So whenever there is an inclination to try out new software or upgrade the existing one just ask yourself if you really need to do that.
Don’t read too much on the Internet
If you are reading in order to research for your project then it is another thing, but otherwise don’t spend too much time reading all those blogs and websites (make sure you keep reading this one though :) ).
I agree that reading helps you grow and improve your skills but read only when you have no professional work pending.
Get rid of the extra software and files
Do you have lots of extra software and files on your computer or laptop? Extra software and files not only slow down your system they also clutter your navigation and make maintenance and backup needlessly tedious. So dedicate some time to cleaning up your computer, it will be a worthwhile activity.
Keep the necessary stuff handy
Are you constantly searching for a pen, pencil, important papers, and other stuff that you regularly need to work? You end up spending lots of time just trying to find these things; in your drawers, in your room, or in your house.
If you develop the habit of organizing your things and keeping them at their designated spots you will notice how much time you eventually save and how much time you can save.
= New Year Resolutions For Anybody =
365 Days of Year 2009.
24 Hours a Day.
60 Minutes of an Hour.
24 Hours a Day.
60 Minutes of an Hour.
What is the best way of utilizing this time? Here we go.
These are the Top Eleven Resolutions of any new year one can follow and start right away with whole new energy, thoughts and Style.
1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends.
2. Fit in Fitness.
3. Tame the Bulge.
4. Quit Smoking.
5. Enjoy Life More
6. Quit Drinking.
7. Get Out of Debt.
8. Learn Something New.
9. Help Others.
10. Get Organized.
One Last But Not At All Least. Identify your Goals for this year which takes you towards Your Life Goals, For That Your Goals have to be Splitted in Various Regions of Life Style just for our Clarification. And the Fields are:
1. Family and Home.
2. Finacial and Career.
3. Spiritual and Ethical.
4. Physical and Health.
5. Social and Cultural.
6. Mental and Educational.
Selamat Pagi....Good Morning...Good Day.....Just Learnt this New Word!!! :)
= January 2009 Activation =
Happy New Year. May this year is the year for your dreams, passions, everything you believe, your wishes, your desires, your thoughts, your emotions, your feelings and your Hopes. May this year is the year for your special moments as you live everyday.
Have Fun and Be Good.This is the standard greeting i usually sent for every new year to my friends as those words when combined gives the perfect sense of a beautiful life and is a way of remembering we have so many elements to live by everyday.
The above sketch is the mass email greeting for all my close friends on 31st night..may be missed some coz of not having email address. It's beautiful right. So That was the sketch for last day in 2008. What about 2009, as everyone is going into 2009 with whole new ideas and thoughts I also thought of stepping into 2009 with whatever i am good at...i.e Drawing and Dancing. So Below are the Sketch done in Jan 1st week and One of my Dance Videos.
Yes, I dance too. Dancing is also an interest of me founded in 8th class when Drawing became the First interest. Music is the language of my Soul and I believe everybody's Soul. I like hearing to slow songs and my feet move for the fast beats. So here you go with the video below.Try Seeing in Youtube as you can get a Option to see in High Quality. Hope You Like It.
Have Fun and Be Good.This is the standard greeting i usually sent for every new year to my friends as those words when combined gives the perfect sense of a beautiful life and is a way of remembering we have so many elements to live by everyday.
The above sketch is the mass email greeting for all my close friends on 31st night..may be missed some coz of not having email address. It's beautiful right. So That was the sketch for last day in 2008. What about 2009, as everyone is going into 2009 with whole new ideas and thoughts I also thought of stepping into 2009 with whatever i am good at...i.e Drawing and Dancing. So Below are the Sketch done in Jan 1st week and One of my Dance Videos.
Yes, I dance too. Dancing is also an interest of me founded in 8th class when Drawing became the First interest. Music is the language of my Soul and I believe everybody's Soul. I like hearing to slow songs and my feet move for the fast beats. So here you go with the video below.Try Seeing in Youtube as you can get a Option to see in High Quality. Hope You Like It.
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